Careers with
The Entertainer

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Personal Details

Please upload your most recent CV if you have one - don't worry if you don't!

Address Information

About You

We welcome applications from all age groups, however, you must have left school before you are able to join us for a job. If you are aged between 16 and 18, there will also be some restrictions on the hours you can work.

Are you under the age of 17? *
As part of our interview process you may be required to leave answers to questions using a video link sent to your email. Is there any reason why you could not complete this? *

Please refer to the advert for this role to ensure you are aware how many hours per week are available for this store. Use the drop down boxes below to tell us what the earliest and latest times you are able to work on each day of the week. Remember, we don't trade on a Sunday, so you will not be required to work on this day.

Your Experience
Have you worked for us before? *
I confirm I have the Right to Work in the UK without restriction and can supply the relevant documentation needed if invited for interview *
I confirm, I do not have any unspent criminal convictions *
Equal Opportunities
We are committed to the fair treatment of our staff, potential staff, regardless of race, gender, religion/belief, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy/maternity, marital or civil partnership status, physical/mental disability, responsibilities for dependants or offending background.

The information you give on this form will help us ensure equality in our services to you. We recognise that you may regard some of this information as personal and we have, therefore, included an option in most questions for ‘prefer not to say’.

All information that we collect in relation to equality and diversity will be treated confidentially in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and will be stored within the Applicant Tracking System. Access to this information will be restricted to staff involved in the processing and monitoring of this data. It will be used to provide statistical information only. In completing the form below, you consent to us using your data for this purpose.

If you have a medical condition, the Equality Act 2010 requires employers to make reasonable adjustments to the job content or working environment. To achieve this, we need to know whether you are covered. Definition of Disability: “A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities in a non-work environment.”

There are 6 million carers in the United Kingdom and nearly one in eight workers are carers. With an ageing population and an expected increase of 60% of carers in the next 30 years, we would like to monitor the number of people with caring responsibilities.